Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Testing cohesion

Cohesion is a term that scientists use to say that something sticks together, for example, water is very cohesive. Water molecules tend to be attracted to each other. In a recent lab we did in class, we tested how far we could push water cohesion!

In the first lab we tried to cut water in half with a toothpick. First, I put a couple drops of water onto a piece of wax paper. Then, when I tried to cut the water with the toothpick, the water won. The cohesion with the water is what made the water win because the water really likes itself :).

During the second part of the lab we saw how many droplets of water we could get onto a penny. The results were very close in numbers. The max we could fit onto the penny was about 40-43. Again, that proves that water likes water!

The third part of the lab, we tested how fat you could fun water down a string to get from one end to the other end. When we mastered one length of string, you could get a longer piece of string and once mastered that, then you get a longer string, etc. Water sticks to itself thats all thats to it.

And in this lab, we learned that water always will stick to itself by cohesion.

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