Monday, October 21, 2013


A biomolecule is any of the organic molecules produced by living organisms.

Simplest formMonosaccharides · Saturated fatty acids Unsaturated fatty acids 
· Glycerol 
Basic unit: amino acids 
Structure/ Types · Monosaccharides: single sugar molecules, reducing sugars 
· Disaccharides:double sugar molecules 
· Polysaccharides: made from condensing many similar monosaccharides 
· Neutral fats and oils 
o Monoglyceride 
o Diglyceride 
o Triglycerids: contains 1 glycerol and 4 fatty acid molecules 
· Phospholipids: 
o Hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail (polar molecules) form a lipid bilayer – plasma membrane 
o Consist of organic group, phosphate group, glycerol and fatty acid 
· Primary: Amino acids linked to form a polypeptide chain 
· Secondary: Polypeptides are folded in various ways 
· Tertiary: Folding of secondary structure into a complex shape 
· Quarternary: Aggregation of polypeptide chains (alpha, beta chain, prosthetic group) 
Function/Role· starch: concentrated form of energy 
· form supporting structures (e.g. cellulose cell wall) 
· formation of nucleic acids 
· synthesis of lubricants 
· Fibre: Provides bulk to intestinal contents 
· Aids in peristalsis 
· Effective source and storage of energy 
· Insulating material as it is just under the skin 
· Solvent for fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and hormones (eg: sex hormones) 
· Restricts water loss from surface of the skin 
· Constituent of protoplasm, especially in membranes 
· Source of energy 
· Catalytic (enzymes) 
· Transport 
· Structural role in cells: synthesis of protoplasm (growth and repair of worn out cells 
· Formation of antibodies to combat diseases 
Bonds Glycosidic bonds Tryglycerides – Ester bonds · Amino acids - Peptide bonds 
· Fibrous protein- Hydrogen bond 
· Globular protein – disulfide bond 
· Group of organic compounds with an oily, greasy or waxy consistency 
· Insoluble 
· Water repelling 
· Fibrous 
o Water insoluble 
o Parallel polypeptide chains 
· Globular 
o Easily water soluble 
Molecular formular CnH2nOn R-COOH or CH3(CH2)nCOOH 

· Kwashiokor 
· Edema 

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